Overcoming In-Person Training Capacity Constraints in 2021
By Dan Rice, MS. Ed. and Allison Forbes Capozza, Wednesday, March 17, 2021
The U.S. economy suffered an unprecedented and sudden shock in March 2020, unlike anything any of us had experienced in our lifetime. Likewise, the restarting of the economy this year will be unique, although it should not come as a shock, like the shutdown did. Because it should be more predictable, training and event planners can start making educated assumptions as they prepare to execute in-person training again.
With the entire economy having essentially paused, restarting it will likely cause capacity limits in many areas that are key to in-person training, such as hotels, flights, facilitators, conference venues and other areas with limited capacity — particularly premium locations and brands. Training professionals should start thinking about these limits and their training implications for the second half of 2021.
Back at the Starting Blocks
As a learning organization, the U.S. Army uses a four-phase operations process: plan, prepare, execute and assess. Most corporations have similar cyclical cycles, with multiple training programs in planning, preparation and execution mode at once. In previous years, corporations naturally maintained the cycle:
This year, however, will probably be different. Many companies are at the starting blocks now, in the planning stage, waiting for the “starter gun” to go off so they can jumpstart in-person training again. That starter gun will go off at different times for different companies based on their location, planning process and business performance, but they will share one thing in common: There could be severe capacity constraints as companies try to fill the second half of 2021 with two years’ worth of training demand.
Read more at: https://trainingindustry.com/blog/strategy-alignment-and-planning/overcoming-in-person-training-capacity-constraints-in-2021/
Daniel Rice, MBA, MSed, MS

Allison Capozza

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